4 hours of coverage
Free engagement session
Help with timeline
Print release
Online gallery
Downloadable images
6 hours of coverage
Free engagement session
Second Photographer
Help with timeline
Print release
Online gallery
Downloadable images
8 hours of coverage
Free engagement session
Second Photographer
Help with timeline
Print release
Online gallery
Downloadable images
10 hours of coverage
Free engagement session
Second Photographer
Help with timeline
Print release
Online gallery
Downloadable images
In studio
1 outfit
5 digital images
In studio or location of choice
2 outfit changes
15 digital images
In studio & location of choice
4 outfit changes
25 digital images
In studio or location of choice
20 minutes
1-5 people ($25 per each extra person)
10 digital images
In studio or location of choice
1 hour
1-5 people ($25 per each extra person)
25 digital images
In studio or location of choice
1 hour
1-5 people ($25 per each extra person)
All digital images
1 hours
1 outfits
Professional hair and makeup
8 digital images
2 hours
3 outfits
Professional hair and makeup
20 digital images